Roman Catholic Church
By Jim Searcy


Historical CHANGES of Vatican Roma 


As Confirmed by the 1981 tract of Dr. Alberto R. Rivera,
professed 4th vow Jesuit. To my knowledge Alberto, as
special assistant to the Black Pope, was the highest Jesuit
to get saved ever. YES, he did pay the ultimate price for
putting the light of truth on Vatican Roma and her Jesuit
society of Lucifer.


”Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” (1 Timothy 4:1)


PRIESTS - Priestcraft Nicolaitine Spirit (Rev 2:6 & 15)                                 68 to 200 A.D.

Most of these priests, wearing rough garments or fancy rabbi suits to deceive
in the first few centuries, were NOT Christians but would often pretend to be.
That is because Christians were known by their tender hearts and genuine love for
all men in general, and each other in particular. The PRIEST title that Vatican
Roma tried to make exclusive to their pagan religion with Christian terminology,
was was taken from both Jewish and pagan religions. Vatican Roma did NOT
invent the priesthood, and Apostolic Succession is one of the greatest lies in the
history of religion.


1. OF ALL THE HUMAN TRADITIONS taught and practiced by the
Roman Catholic Church, which are contrary to the Bible, the most ancient
are the prayers for the dead and the sign of the Cross. ............................................340
Both began 310 years AFTER Christ.


2. Veneration of angels and dead saints about ..............................................................375


3. The Mass, as a daily celebration, adopted.................................................................394


4. The worship of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the use of the term, “Mother of God”,
and queen of heaven (JER 7:19, 44:17-19&45 applied to her,
originated in the Council of Ephesus in..........................................................................431


5.  Priests began to dress differently from the Laity in ..................................................500


6. The doctrine of Purgatory was first established by Gregory the Great about the



7. Latin language, as the language of prayer and worship in Churches, was also
imposed by Pope Gregory I. 600 years after Christ.........................................................600


The Word of God forbids praying and teaching in an unknown tongue. (I Cor. 14:9)


8. The Bible teaches that we pray to God alone. In the primitive Church never were
prayers directed to Mary, or to dead saints. This practice began in the Roman
Church about ......................................................................................................................600

(Read Matt. 11:28; Luke 1:46; Acts 10:25-26; 14:14-18)


9.  The Papacy is of PAGAN origin. The title of pope or universal bishop was first
given to the bishop of Rome by the wicked emperor Phocas, in the year .......................610
Constantine the Great, 310 was Pontifus Maximus, Supreme Pontiff, MEANING
High Priest of PAGANISM. In 610 Phocas gave those titles formally held by the Roman
Emporers, of Supreme Pontiff, to the Pope who proudly uses them ton this day as the
CHIEF PAGAN ON EARTH Christian terms not withstanding.


This he did to spite Bishop Ciriacus of Constantinople, who had justly ex-communicated him
for his having caused the assassination of his predecessor emperor Mauritius. Gregory 1,
then bishop of Rome, refused the title, but his successor, Boniface III, first assumed title,
Pope and Supreme Pontiff.


Jesus did not appoint Peter to the headship of the apostles and forbade any such notion.
(Read Lk. 22:24-26; Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18; 1 Cor. 3:11 Rev 2:6715).


Note: Nor is there any mention in Scripture, nor in history, that Peter ever was in Rome,
much less that he was Pope there for 25 years; Clement, 3rd Bishop of the Christian
Church in Rome established by Paul remarks that there is no REAL 1st century evidence
that Peter ever was in Rome. PETER WAS THE APOSTLE TO THE JEWS -


10. The kissing of the Pope's feet began in....................................................................709


It had been a pagan custom to kiss the feet of emperors. The Word of God forbids
such practices. (Read Acts 10:25; Rev. 19:10; 22:9)


11. The Temporal power of the Popes began..................................................................750


When Pepin the usurper of the throne of France descended into Italy, called by Pope Stephen II,
to war against the Italian Lombard’s, he defeated them and gave the City of Rome and
surrounding territory to the Pope. Jesus expressly forbade such a thing, and He himself refused
worldly Kingship.

(Read Matt. 4:8-9; 20:25-26; John 18:38).


12. Worship of cross, of images and relics was authorized in......................................788

Such practice is called simply IDOLATRY in the Bible.


This was by order of Dowager Empress Irene of Constantinople, who first caused to pluck out
the eyes of her own son, Constantine VI, and then called a Church Council at the request of
Hadrian I, Pope of Rorne at that time. 


Such practice is called simply IDOLATRY in the Bible.


13. Holy Water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by the priest, was authorized in....................................................................................................................................850

Such practice is called idolatry priestcraft  or superstition done with everything in Paganism
but NOT Christianity.


14. The veneration of St. Joseph began in.....................................................................890

Such practice is called simply IDOLATRY in the Bible.


15. The baptism of bells was instituted by Pope John XIV, in the year.......................965



16. Canonization of dead saints, first by Pope John XV in.........................................995

 Such practice is IDOLATRY and praying to dead saints is Necromancy the Bible.

Such practices are such an abomination to God that if one participates, children are cursed,
grand children are cursed, great grand children are cursed, and great great grand children are

Ever believer and follower of Christ is called Saint in the Bible.

(Read Rom 1:7; 1 Cor. 1:2).


17. Fasting on Fridays and during Lent were imposed in the year.............................998

Imposed by Popes, said to be interested in the commerce of fish.
(Bull, or permit to eat meat), some authorities say, began in the year 700. This is
against the plain teaching of the Bible. (Read Matt. 15:10; I Cor. 10:25; I Tim. 4:1-3)


18. Like or dislike of the Big Vatican II Council for many is reduced to LIKING FISH OR NOT.
NO MORE FISH ON FRIDAY NO MORE LATIN MASS..............................................1954

Like or dislike of the Big Vatican II council for many is reduced to LIKING FISH OR NOT.


19. The Mass was developed gradually as a sacrifice; attendance made obligatory in

the 11th century.

The Bible teaches that the sacrifice of Christ was offered once and for all, and is not to be
repeated, but only commemorated in the Lord's Supper.

(Read Heb. 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10-14).


20. The celibacy of the priesthood was decreed by Pope Hildebrand, Boniface VII, in the year...............................................................................................................................1079


Jesus imposed no such rule, nor did any of the apostles. On the contrary, St. Peter was a
married man, and St. Paul says that bishops were to have wife and children.

(Read 1Tim. 3:2,5, and 12; Matt. 8:14-15).


21. The Rosary, or prayer beads was introduced by Peter the Hermit, in the year 1090.
Copied from Hindus and Mohammedans.....................................................................1090


The counting of prayers is a pagan practice and is expressly condemned by Christ.

 (Read Matt. 6:5-13).


22. The Inquisition of heretics was instituted by the Council of Verona in the year 1184.

Jesus never taught the use of force to spread His religion...........................................1184


23. The sale of Indulgence, commonly regarded as a purchase of forgiveness and a
permit to indulge in sin, began in the year.......................................................................1190


Christianity, as taught in the Bible, condemns such a traffic, and it was the protest
against this traffic that brought on the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century.


24. The dogma of Transubstantiation was decreed by Pope Innocent III, in the year ..1215

By this doctrine the priest pretends to perform a daily miracle by changing a wafer into the
body of Christ, and then he pretends to eat Him alive in the presence of his people during Mass.
The Bible condemns such absurdities; for the presence of Christ is implied in the Lord's Supper
is simply a memorial of the sacrifice of Christ. The Spiritual presence of Christ is implied in the
Lord's Supper.

(Read Luke 22:19-20; John 6:35; I Cor 11:26).


25. Confession of sins to the priest at least once a year was instituted by Pope Innocent III,
in the Lateran Council, in the year..........................................................................1215

1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
The Bible commands us to confess our sins direct to God.

(Read Psa. 51:1-10;Luke 7:48; 15:21; John 1:8-9).


26. The adoration of the wafer (Host), was decreed by Pope Honorius in the year ..........................................................................................................................1220


So the Roman Church worships a God made by human hands. This is plain idolatry
and absolutely contrary to the spirit of the Gospel. (Read John 4:24).


27. The Bible forbidden to laymen and placed in the Index of forbidden books by
the Council of Valencia in .............................................................................................1229


Jesus commanded that the Scriptures should be read by all.

(Read John 5:39; I Tim. 3:15-17).


28.The Scapular was invented by Simon Stock, an English monk, in the year..........................................................................................................................1287


It is a piece of brown cloth, with the picture of the Virgin and supposed to
contain supernatural virtue to protect from all dangers those who wear it on
naked skin. This is fetishism.


29. The Roman Church forbade the cup to the Laity, by instituting the communion
of one kind in the Council of Constance in........................................................................1414


The Bible commands us to celebrate the Lord's Supper with unleavened bread
and the fruit of the vine. (Read Matt. 26:27; I Cor. 11:26-29).


30. The doctrine of Purgatory was proclaimed as a dogma of faith by Council of Florence in...............................................................................................................................1439


There is not one word in the Bible that would teach the purgatory of priests.
The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins.  
(Read 1 John 1:7-9; 2:1-2; John 5:24; Rom 8:1).


31. The doctrine of 7 Sacrament affirmed in.............................................................1439


The Bible says that Christ instituted only two ordinances, Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

(Read Matt. 28:19-20; 26:26-28).


32. The Ave Maria, part of the last half in ...............................................................1508


It was completed 50 years afterward and finally approved by Pope Sixus V, at the
end of the 16th century


33. The Council of Trent, held in the year 1545, declared that Tradition is of equal authority with the Bible..........................................................................................................................1545


By tradition is meant human teachings. The Pharisees believed the same way, and Jesus bitterly
condemned them, for by teaching human tradition they nullified the Commandments of God.
(Read Mark 7:7-13; Col.2:8; Rev. 22:18).


34. The apocryphal books were added to the Bible also by the Council of Trent in.................................................................................................................................1546


These books were not recognized as canonical by the Jewish Church.

(Read Rev. 22:8, 9, 18, 19).


35. The Creed of Pope Pius IV was imposed as the official creed 1560 years after

Christ and the apostles, in......................................................................................1560


True Christians retain the Holy Scriptures as their creed. Hence their creed is 1500 years
older than the creed of Roman Catholics. (Read Gal. 1:8).


36. The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX in the year.........................................................................................................................1854


The Bible states that all men, with the sole exception of Christ, are sinners. Mary
herself had need of a Savior. (Read Rom. 3:23; 5:12; Psa. 51:5; Luke 1:30, 46, 47).


37. In the year 1870 after Christ, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of Papal Infallibility..................................................................................................................1870


This is a blasphemy and the sign of the apostasy and of the anti-Christ predicted
by St. Paul. (Read II Thess. 2:2-12; Rev. 17:1-9; 13:5-8, 18).


Many Bible students see the number of the beast (Rev. 13:18). 666 in the
Roman letters of the Pope's title: "VICARIVS FILLII DEI."
V.5, I-1; C-100, I-1: v-5, I-1; L-50, I-1; I-1-Total, 666.



38. Pope Pius X, in the year 1907, condemned together with "Modernish", all the
discoveries of modern science which are not approved by the Church....................1907


Pius IX had done the same thing in the Syllabus of 1864.


39. In the year 1930 Pope Pius XI, condemned the Public Schools .....................................................................................................................1930


40. In the year 1931 the same Pope Pius XI, re-affirmed the doctrine that Mary is

"the Mother of God"...................................................................................................1931


This doctrine was first invented by the Council of Ephesus in the year 43l. This is
a heresy contrary by Mary's own words. (Read Luke 1:46-49; John 2:1-5).


41. In the year 1950 the last dogma was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII, the
Assumption of the Virgin Mary.....................................................................................1950                                            






What will be the next invention? The Roman Church says it never changes; yet, it has done nothing else but invent new doctrines which are contrary to the Bible, and has practiced rites and ceremonies taken bodily from paganish. Some scholar has found that 75 % of the rites and ceremonies of the Roman Church are of pagan origin.


For over 1600 years the Roman Catholic Institution has been accumulating religious opinions made up in their own councils plus other ideas taken from Judaism and other pagan religions which are absolutely opposite to the Word of God. This should be understood by the soul winner in dealing with Roman Catholics. The Word of God shown there must be no relationship between the forces of darkness and light. You will see that this list of Heresies is not a product of God, but of demons. These men left the true Church because they were not real Christians. This was the beginning of the Roman Catholic priesthood and their followers..."They went out from us, but they were not of us," (I John 2:19)


Heed the warning of the Apostle Paul, who said: "but though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Gal. 1:9).


Realizing that I, as a Roman Catholic, am not a Christian according to the Bible, I am now willing to do what the Bible says to become a Christian. I now turn to the Lord Jesus Christ alone and away from faith in sacraments and unscriptural dogmas, rejecting the Roman Catholic Institution as the spiritual harlot as prophesied in Revelation 17. Being saved now by grace through faith according to the Word of God (Ephesians 2:8-10), I have absolute assurance of eternal life now, and forever in Heaven with Christ.


Jesus Christ, Yeshua THE Messiah, God the Son, The I AM, The Alpha & Omega, The Creator and Redeemer, The One Whose Name is called The Word of God, Inspired His chosen Apostle, by His Holy Spirit of Truth to tell us that - There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. AND ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

These Next PROFOUND Words of the Lord Jesus Christ will either be understood by His Word being given understanding by His Holy Spirit of Truth, NOT some priest, NOT some bishop, NOT some prophet, NOT even by the pope - but understood ONLY by His Holy Spirit of Truth giving the understanding. If the understanding of this next profound verse of Scripture comes from any source other than His Holy Spirit of Truth, it it is certain you will be deceived and STRONGLY DELUDED. The importance of understanding this next verse, John 20:23,  by The Holy Spirit of Truth, and NOT by any catechism, or even the Pope, will very probably mean the difference between heaven and hell. It will mark the difference between being one of The Lord's undeceived very elect, or being deceived by a religion that most likely will lead to hell. Yes, It is that important to understand by the Holy Spirit of Truth, and not by any man, not by any priest, any saint, any pope, or any catechism. That verse is John 20:23. However, before we take a careful look a that verse John 20:23 let's take a quick look a the oldest Roman Catholic Bible THE VULGATE.

The purpose of briefly talking about the Vulgate is to help Roman Catholics become saints. The only way anyone can be a Saint is, not because the Church says so, or the pope says so, but rather because the ONLY Mediator between God and man says so, The Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 

Roman Catholics are not saints and have no real hope to become a saint, unless someone can be a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ, to give them the truth that they do not know and sometimes, sadly, do not want to know. The Roman Catholic can never know they are saved with the deception they have received, and the very effective brainwashing they have been under, all their life. Roman Catholics do NOT want to talk about Scripture, even among themselves, and certainly not with anyone who is a Non-Catholic.  

Every Roman Catholic needs to know a few things about about the Latin Vulgate of Saint Jerome. The truth about that oldest Roman Catholic bible, which dates all the way back to 405 AD is one of the best possible keys to freedom that any Roman Catholic could ever find. The truth regarding the Vulgate can lead the Roman Catholic to some better hope than thousands of years in purgatory and the reality of hell. 

From what I have studied about Jerome, who translated the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures into Latin, I like him. He was commissioned to do the translation project in 382 and finished the translation of the Vulgate in about 405. I believe he was a saved man, and I like to believe he is with the Lord. Jerome was commissioned from the Bishop of Rome to translate and produce a new bible in Latin called the Vulgate, meaning in the common or Vulgar Latin language. Jerome’s skill in translating Hebrew and Greek into Latin is beyond question. The big problem with Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible is how it adds the Apocrypha.  

Damasus was the Bishop of Rome in 382 AD. Eusebius, Constantine's court theologian, had been given a BLANK CHECK by Constantine the Great, to produce 50 Latin Bibles that would by syncretism merge the pagan practices of pagan Roman Mithraism with Christianity. Constantine would have his pagan religious practices CHRISTIANIZED BY THOSE 50 BIBLES that the Emperor commissioned Eusebius to produce. In the mid to late fourth century, Eusebius set up the greatest library in the world in Caesarea for that purpose. The Bishop of Rome, at that time was Damasus I. Damasus INSISTED, over the strong objections of Jerome that Jerome must translate and include the Apocrypha in the Latin Vulgate that Jerome would produce.   

By the end of the first century after the birth, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, there were five great patriarchies. These five great centers of Christianity were in Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, Byzantium, and Rome. The first pope actually was Constantine the Great. However, the pope, with all of the assumed titles of the Roman papacy, did not happen until Gregory the Great in 603. When it comes to rewriting, changing, revising, or obliterating HISTORY there is nothing that can be compared to Vatican Roma and her Jesuit secret society of Lucifer. 

Not long after Constantine became the first pope, by the time of the Nicean Council (325 AD), Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Antioch had fallen as centers of great Christian influence. The two remaining great patriarchies were Rome and Byzantium, which would later be named Constantinople in honor of the FIRST Pontifus Maximus, First Supreme Pontiff, Chief of Paganism, Constantine the Great. The Bishop of Rome and the Bishop of Byzantium were the two most influential Christian religious leaders at the time when Jerome would translate his Latin Vulgate, which would be completed in 405 AD. Jerome would translate that oldest Roman Catholic Bible from the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament into Latin. Bishop of Rome, Damasus, had great power as leader of one of the two great remaining centers of influence in Christianity.  


It should be stated that there were good Latin Bibles that DID NOT include the Apocrypha. Such pure unadulterated Holy Bibles, such as the Old Latin and the Old Syriac were in use since as early as 150 AD. Christians in North Africa had them, as well as people like the Waldensens, Paulicians, and Voudois. Those unadulterated pure Bibles in old Latin and variants, were from the great Church at Antioch, Syria, as early as 150 AD, and have been traced to them. Also the Old Testament in pure unadulterated form was in Jewish synagogues throughout the world. This fact that unadulterated Old Testaments in Hebrew were available in the hands of the Jews, IN FACT is the Basis of the GREAT HATRED and slaughter by Vatican Roma of Jews through the last 2000 years of history. Hitler's Holocaust was a continuation of the inquisition of Vatican Roma. There were 5 million Bible believing Christians who went to Hitler's gas chambers along with the 6 million Jews. Vatican Roma actually put Mohammed in the religion business to KILL PEOPLE OF THE BOOK – people who believed the Word of God as contained in unadulterated Old and New Testament, who believed the HOLY Bible, Jews and Real Christians. With the Apocrypha, Roman Catholicism became a  Babylonian, Luciferian, sun god pagan religion with Christian terms. More specifically it is Roman Mithraism, as practiced by the first pope, Roman Emperor, Constantine The Great, with Christian terms applied, BUT ROMAN CATHOLICISM IS NOT CHRISTIAN.  

Today few Roman Catholics understand that they are NOT Christians. Roman Catholics do not know or understand that what they are Catholic about is the application of Christian terminology to PAGANISM. Most Roman Catholics think they have the oldest, biggest, and most well organized of all possible Christian Churches. With the Apocrypha woven into the bibles of Vatican Roma, they become full of confusion, contradiction, as well as acceptance of things God has very clearly said are forbidden ABOMINATIONS. The Apocrypha teaches such abominations as the command to use magic (Tobit 6:5-7), Forgiveness of sins by giving money (Tobit 4:11; 12:9), Prayers for the Dead AND Offering of money for the sins of the dead (2 Maccabees 12:43-45). 

Such adulterated bibles do NOT lead to real faith, and can actually block real Christian faith. Adulterated bibles produce doubt, and confusion, and false hope of salvation, by the religious stuff Vatican Roma has for sale. The pagan religion of Vatican Roma, even with its Christian terms and facade of Christianity, prevents Roman Catholics from really hearing or understanding THE Gospel, the Doctrine of Christ, or the Doctrine of the Apostles. 

One of the undeniable facts of history is that the first pope was Constantine the Great. The first Roman Catholic pope, claiming all of the titles of Pagan Rome was Gregory the Great who began his and all official Vatican Roma popery, in 603. There was no such thing as a real pope until Gregory the Great in 603. The Apostle Peter NEVER set foot in Rome. Peter's grave was found, and archaeologically verified in Jerusalem in 1953. This was one of the greatest embarrassments of Vatican Roma’s history. The Scriptures were clear that Peter NEVER SET FOOT IN ROME. This great archaeological evidence, NUKES Vatican Roma's great lie of Apostolic Succession. It is amazing how few seem to know of this, which certainly should be in the top ten most significant of all archaeological discoveries. 

Both the Rheims and the Challoner versions of the revised text of Vatican Roma rest upon Jerome's Latin Vulgate. This has been made necessary by a desire to have the version available for liturgical use. Jerome's Latin Vulgate NEW TESTAMENT has some serious real problems but the OLD TESTAMENT is adulterated and corrupt. Yes, it is very old, but not as old as the unadulterated Old Latin Bibles, or the Old Syriac.   

One of the BIG PROBLEMS of Jerome's Latin Vulgate is in Luke 1:28. In the Dark Ages, Vatican Roma did everything humanly and demonically possible to obliterate all pure unadulterated Bibles, wholesale slaughtering MILLIONS of Jews and the REAL Christians that preserved them. In those dark ages when Vatican Roma kept The HOLY BIBLE away from all people, GRACE was understood to be a substance, like water, which can be said to fill a cup. The Latin, predictably, says that Mary is “full of grace” (ave gratia plena) and reflects this view of grace. Erasmus, who was arguably the greatest and most gifted of all translators ever, though a Roman Catholic priest, was honest with the Greek text, which states that Mary “has found favor with God.” 

Another example of a BIG PROBLEM with Jerome's Latin Vulgate in his New Testament with how he translated Matthew 4:17. The Vulgate says DO PENANCE facilitating the whole corrupt antichrist Roman Catholic system of salvation by works. It particularly facilitates the sale of Vatican Roma's indulgences. Matt 4:17 says - From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus and all the apostles, as well as John the Baptist always preached REPENTANCE AND NOT PENANCE. When the Word of God says REPENT, one will find the Latin Vulgate bibles saying DO PENANCE. Repentance is a turning to God and implies a change that has nothing to do with any ecclesiastical organization. 

Another BIG PROBLEM with the Vatican Roma’s Vulgate is Matt 6:11. Literally TENS of MILLIONS have been slaughtered by Vatican Roma, because they would NOT accept Vatican Roma’s false doctrine of TRANSUBSTANTIATION. The doctrine claims the priests of Rome by their hocus pocus create the Creator. The deadly false doctrine actually claims that Vatican Roma’s priests are empowered to change the substance of bread into the literal substance of Christ, the literal body, blood, bone, indeed very Christ Himself, to be worshipped. Look at the comparison of the Vulgate and the KJV Holy Bible. There can be little wonder why the Roman Catholic Ten Commandments eliminate commandment number two, and split commandment number ten in two parts. People who have not been deceived and brainwashed see the obvious idolatry.


Matt 6:11 in Latin from the Vulgate:

panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie

The Vulgate translation to English:

Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.

From the KJV Holy Bible:

Give us this day our daily bread.


There is no way to find supersubstantial from any Greek Scripture not under Vatican Roma’s control. The intentional ERROR in Matt 6:11 of the Vulgate is to try to have some biblical basis for the pagan priestcraft of the Transubstantiation doctrine. 

Other errors in the Latin Vulgate establish the OTHER Gospel of Vatican Roma. We should know what Gal 1:8-9 says - But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Vatican Roma’s gospel is the OTHER GOSPEL OF RELIGIOUS WORKS. Vatican Roma has indulgences, and whatever religious comfort there is in the deceptions of Lucifer FOR SALE. Roman Catholic rank and file are in Nicolaitane spiritual bondage (Rev 2:6 and 15), by false doctrines like its Purgatory Lie, Apostolic Succession Lie, its Auricular Confession Lie, and of course its Transubstantiation Lie. The Latin Vulgate errors would lead people who would be deceived by it to believe that salvation is by what Vatican Roma has for sale rather than by GRACE EVIDENCE IN REPENTANCE AND FAITH IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.  

Sadly, Roman Catholics are prevented from being able to hear and receive The Gospel, or to be Christians, by the deception that Roman Catholicism is the biggest, and best, and oldest of all of the Christian churches. The truth is that Roman Catholics are Catholic about the application of Christian terms to Pagan practices. The whole corrupt Vatican Roman system of pagan religion with Christian terms is facilitated with corrupt bibles like Jerome's Latin Vulgate. Scholars saying otherwise should NOT be considered to be Christian scholars. Such are society of Lucifer scholars and are NOT Christian scholars.

Now to that Most Important Verse for ALL to Understand
John 20:23


John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

The key to understanding this verse is found in verse 21 - As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. How had the Father sent the Son into the world? To speak His own words? Jesus said - For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. Yeshua said again in John 12:49 - I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. And in John 8:28 He said - I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. In John 8:38 He said - I speak that which I have seen with my Father. And again in John 6:38 - For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

Clearly then, Jesus sent His disciples as the Father had sent Him. They were not to speak their own words, but His. Paul said that he was only an ambassador for Christ. An ambassador does not speak his own words, but the words of the one he represents. Now we will see in full context what Paul meant in that we are all called to be Christ’s ambassadors in 2 Cor 5:18-20. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Please notice that, as an ambassador for Christ, one can carry only His Word to the people. And that word of reconciliation which He has given for the people is that their trespasses are not imputed to them. This is the only way anyone can remit sins. He can pass along what the Lord Jesus Christ said about forgiveness and assure them of acceptance as they meet the requirements of that word.

In John 20:23 we see our Lord give to the Apostles His work of public teaching. Now the Apostles were to teach the Doctrine of Christ, which is one and the same as the Doctrine of the Apostles. This was the main calling of the Apostles. Those Twelve men who had been taught directly by the Lord like Moses, were called and chosen to establish the Doctrine of Messiah. We certainly do NOT need new apostles with new doctrines. It is finished. We have the doctrine of Messiah, and that is the SAME as the Doctrine of the Apostles found in the New Testament of the KJV Holy bible. It is exactly as the Apostle Paul wrote to the first century Messianic Jewish believers - God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.

Yes, now, today, harden not your heart, for you MUST hear His voice by His Holy Spirit of TRUTH giving understanding of this most profound verse. You are encouraged NOW to pray directly to Jesus, the ONLY mediator between God and man. He will hear you. no matter what shape you are in, if you ask Him for Wisdom on this verse. He will hear that prayer, for wisdom, by His Holy Spirit of Truth on this most important scripture, if you will only now ask Jesus and by faith receive the TRUTH about John 20:23 by His Holy Spirit of Truth.   

The words of the Lord regarding this commission of John 20.23, are very important and require close attention and study. The meaning of these words was the equipping of the ministers of the gospel with the gift of discerning of spirits. By this gift of the Holy Ghost, Paul could pronounce blindness upon Elimus the sorcerer, as surely as Peter could announce the immediate physical death of Annanias and Saphira for lying to the Holy Ghost.

Upon true Gospel ministers called and ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ is where we most often find this gift of discernment given by the Holy Ghost. To my knowledge this gift of discernment has NEVER in history been given to any Pope of Rome. If any pope of Rome ever had the gift of discernment, such a pope would IMMEDIATELY renounce the titles of Holy Father or Vicar of Christ applied to any man. Anyone who has that gift of discernment by the Holy Spirit of truth will KNOW that anyone who would dare to usurp such titles belonging to God the Father and the Holy Ghost, boarders on blasphemy.

It is by the Holy Spirit empowerment gift of discerning of spirits by which true Gospel ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ are enabled to declare authoritatively whose sins are forgiven and whose sins are not forgiven. To my knowledge NO pope has ever manifested evidence of this gift. However almost all of the popes have tried to usurp and wrest control of people by claiming, even exclusively, to have this gift.

Remember that Constantine was the first pope and NOT Peter as the scripture and any history outside of Vatican Roma's control and revision, will clearly show. The evidence of scripture and honest history outside of Vatican Roma's revision shows, that Peter was NOT the bishop of Rome. All of the scripture and historical evidence outside of Vatican Roma’s control, wresting, and revision, says Peter never set foot in Rome. Does the pope lie? Yes, ABSOLUTELY he does, when he claims to be the Holy Father, or the Vicar of Christ, or to have the EXCLUSIVE power of binding or loosing, remitting or retaining sins. That is one great big pope LIE.

Historically the popes have been antichrist usurpers, as they would dare to proclaim and profess themselves to be the mediator of between God and man. That is antichrist according to 1 Tim 2:5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. The pope becomes antichrist when he would lead people to believe he holds that position exclusively, which Christ Himself holds exclusively. The pope in reality has absolutely no right to declare whose sins are forgiven, and whose sins are not forgiven. To my knowledge NO pope ever had such God given power to pronounce who was pardoned because they paid the pope's fee, paid the pope's homage, or Peter’s pence. Some popes maybe had power of force, maybe power of coercion, maybe power of priestcraft, but NONE had God given power to pronounce who is pardoned, and who is not. That requires discernment gifting of the Holy Spirit, which would have caused any pope with the gift to renounce such titles as Holy Father and Vicar of Christ by any mere man, pope or ortherwise.

The popes actually have been quite a contrast with the God ordained authority of the Jewish high priest before Christ, and TRUE Apostolic authority after Christ was manifested in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil. What is true Apostolic authority? Those having true Holy Spirit gifting of discernment have always understood true apostolic authority to mean true apostolic doctrine. True apostolic authority and true apostolic doctrine means the written Word of the Apostles, as it was contained in the Scriptures, in accord with the Old Testament, and given final revelation by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the very same I AM, who taught Moses.

Those with the discernment gifting of the Holy Spirit will always repudiate and reject the strange notion of the popes of Rome, that the Lord deputized the Apostles, or any other human beings, with God's the power of absolutely pardoning or not pardoning, absolving, or not absolving, the sins of anyone. It was not the pope’s holiness that was offended by the sin of any sinner. It is God’s holiness that is offended by the sin of any sinner. The true gift of discernment by the Holy Spirit is righteously indignant by such popery and priestcraft, and Nicolaitine spirit of control that Jesus said He HATES. (Rev 2:6 & 15)

The power of forgiving sins, in Scripture, is always spoken of as the special exclusive right of God. The popes are NOT God no matter how much the pope may like to have men think that the popes are God, or that popes can take the place of God. Even the Judean Jews, associated with the temple mount complex, themselves admitted this when they said, ‘Who can forgive sins but God only?’ (Mark 2:7). Yet, the popes continue to be more vain, more self-exalted, and more presumptuous, than the religious rulers who delivered Christ to be crucified on a Roman cross. It is monstrous to suppose that our Lord meant to overthrow or change this great principle that ONLY God can forgive sins, when He commissioned His disciples. Yet, this is the teaching that Vatican Roma demands all to believe or be exterminated by their inquisition powers. Vatican Roma's popes have held the leadership position in the religious murder of perhaps 50 MILLION saints, who would not bow to this monstrous popery and priestcraft, during the 600 years of the inquisition between 1203 and 1805. 

The language of the Old Testament shows conclusively that the prophets were said to do certain things when they declared them to be done. Thus Jeremiah’s commission runs in these words - I have this day set thee over the nation and over the kingdom, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant in Jer. 1:10. This can only mean to declare the rooting out and pulling down - just like Ezekiel says I came to destroy the city in Ezek. 43:3.

There is not a single instance in the Acts or Epistles of an Apostle taking on himself to absolve, or pardon, any one. When Peter said to Cornelius Whosoever believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins in Acts 10:43, and when Paul said, Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins in Acts 13:38, they pointed to Christ alone as the Remitter. Yes, Christ alone, not Peter, not Paul, and certainly not the pope.

John Calvin expressed this truth of the Word of God by saying - When Christ enjoins the apostles to forgive sins, He does not convey to them what is peculiar to Himself. It belongs to Him to forgive sins—He only enjoins them, in His name, to proclaim the forgiveness of sins.

We can recall the scripture account of Peter and John going down to Samaria to inspect and authorize the work done through Philip in Acts 8:14. There we find that Peter said to Simon Magus - I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and the bond of iniquity in Acts 8:23. Paul wrote - To whom ye forgive anything, I also: for if I forgave anything, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ - 2 Cor. 2:10. That is clear and certain evidence of the unique authority and power of the apostles was that spiritual gift of DISCERNMENT by the Holy Spirit.

Sadly to many the question remains - Was this ministerial office and commission conferred on the apostles by Christ transferred by them to others? Without any hesitation, men of God who KNOW the Word of God by the Spirit of Truth, will say that in the strictest sense the commission of the apostles was not transmitted, but, was confined to them, with Paul being the one the LORD chose to replace Judas. It really is difficult for me to understand how any one would deny that the Apostles possessed certain ministerial qualifications, which were quite peculiar to them. Such special gifting and calling they could not, and did not, transmit to others.

Those unique Twelve men who will have their names written on the twelve foundations of New Jerusalem had the gift of declaring the Gospel without error, and with infallible accuracy, to an extent that no one after them did. Regardless of what the pope may want to declare otherwise, if he believes he has such infallibility, he is DECEIVED. Those Twelve men confirmed their teaching by miracles. I can remember as far back as Pius XII. Though I have personally witnessed most miracles found in the bible, I have not seen the pope do any miracle. Those Twelve men had the empowerment of discerning of spirits, such as to pronounce death or physical blindness and see it IMMEDIATELY come to pass by the power of God, rather than the force of men. The popes only have demonstrated power to religiously murder 50 million people who would not bow to them.  In the strictest sense there is no such thing as apostolic succession. The closest thing we have is among those who live according to the doctrine of the Apostles, which lifestyle Vatican Roma mocks.

The keys to the kingdom given to Peter, was SYMBOLIC in regard to locking or unlocking sins. It has always been, and can only be, by the Holy Spirit gifting of discernment. That is the only possible way of demonstrating his authority in binding or loosing according to Matt. 16:19. Later we see clearly in Matt. 18:18 that same power was given to the rest of the apostles AND to the church as a whole.

It is NOT an exclusive gift to any one person or church. Yet, many still question regarding how sins are forgiven, and what is the relationship to binding and loosing relating to the sins of sinners means. The only meaning given by the Scriptures it that whatsoever shall have been forgiven on earth shall have been forgiven in heaven. Heaven sets the standard, earth follows heaven's lead. It is the responsibility of believers to have a forgiving spirit, and to teach the conditions of forgiveness. Few words could show how serious is the REQUIREMENT that the believer MUST have a forgiving spirit like what the Lord said in Mat 6:12 - And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Most never think about what they are really asking for when they pray those words. If they did think about that perhaps they would better understand the Fear of the Lord.

In John 20:23 Jesus said - Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. This means that the church is to proclaim the way of salvation and those who accept Him are forgiven, but those who reject Him are condemned. Binding and loosing as it relates to forgiveness of sins is the discernment gift of the Holy Spirit to discern and know the sinner's response. Sins have been washed, or loosed, ONLY by the blood of Jesus.

Grace be unto you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is THE faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, to HIM ONLY be all praise honor and glory for the forgiveness of sins and redemption of sinners. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Alleluia Yeshua. Praise the Lord Jesus.

Rev 19:2 For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.

There is another report dealing with What Is Behind Rome's Virgin. You may click the title to access it. What is Behind Rome's Virgin is probably just as important as the problems of papal infallibility and Lucifer's operations in the Vatican. However, the Virgin report may be too offensive for the Catholics who can not receive the truth of this first section. I was raised in a Catholic home. I have experiential knowledge of Roman Catholic faith and practice. Most of my relatives are Catholics. I most certainly DO NOT hate Catholics, but I have a greater love for the TRUTH. Yeshua, Jesus, is the TRUTH personified! My love for the TRUTH, Yeshua, makes all other loves pale by comparison. Unfortunately, the truth is often offensive.

The Pope is the visible head of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church is considered the largest church in the world. The pope is known as the Vicar of Christ, going back to the eighth century. This Vicar of Christ title replaced an earlier title known as the Vicar of Peter.

By tradition and not by truth, the Catholic Church declares that the Apostle Peter was the first pope of Rome, appointed by Messiah Himself. The Catholic Church would tell us that Peter was also martyred in Rome. The scripture they use to verify Peter, as being the first pope, is:
"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." ( Matt. 16:18 )

During the time of Constantine, in about 306 AD, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman empire and the persecution ceased. Rome was now considered the headquarters for this new church which mixed and merged paganism with Christianity to form the Roman Catholic church. The Catholic church was now accepted and it's doctrines organized into that religion. Anyone who went against it was now persecuted as much as the Christians went through earlier.

The title Pontiff ( Pontifex Maximus - pagan title of high priest ) was first given officially to the pope, by Gratian in 375 AD. This title was exclusively used by the emperor of Rome before the religion was accepted by Rome as the state religion of the Roman Empire. Proof is overwhelming that the Pontifus Maximus title is of a pagan origin.

Boniface III, a.k.a. St. Boniface, accepted the title of pontiff, making himself the supreme ruler, of the church. He is considered as the first official pope of the Catholic church. All preceding bishops, except for Gregory the Great, in about 600, refused the title. Since then the title pontiff has been used for the bishop of Rome.

The First Vatican Council, in 1870, established the dogma of the infallibility of the pope. This change, and new church dogma, was necessary because of the confusion that occurred earlier in the church. Many of the popes held contradicting beliefs. This embarrassment needed to be fixed. The pope has in some ways, been considered infallible throughout the years, in his doctrines. A new specially formed exercise of papal infallibility was concocted. The "ex cathedra," meaning from the throne, was developed. The new 1870 "ex cathedra, from the throne," deal means that when the pope speaks from this, "ex cathedra," it is accepted by the church, and is not dependent on the consent of the church, and is irrefutable, and unchangeable. A very slick way of resolving the contradicting beliefs and pronouncements of the previous "infallible" popes. A lot of dirty laundry was covered with the "ex cathedra" deal.

Other characteristics that have evolved for the pope are that he wears a crown, and is always loaded with gold and jewels. That he eats alone, because he is considered too exalted to dine with any other person. Anyone who is in his presence while he eats, must be kneeling and remain so, unless invited to stand. When leaving his presence one must genuflect three times. When he visits other countries he will bend down and kiss the ground. This symbolizes ownership of the land, since he is considered the ruler of the whole earth when he receives three gold crowns with the statement, "Know that thou art the Father of Princes and Kings and viceroy of Jesus Christ to whom be honor and glory forever."

Is anyone interested in the Truth? Was Peter the first pope? Does the pope really have the powers he claims?

We ought to look at the Authorized KJV King Jesus Version Holy Bible for the answers to these questions.

"And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matt 16:16-19)

In verse 16 Peter is answering the question Yeshua asked,
"Who do you say that I am?" Which Peter answered by saying, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." Revealing the fact that Yeshua, Jesus, is the Messiah, the savior of the world. Did answering that question give him superiority over the rest of the Apostles? Peter was only acknowledging the fact that Yeshua is the Messiah to which the others concurred. Verse 17 shows that Yeshua was pleased with the confession that Peter spoke of concerning who He is, by giving him a blessing. True believers, who acknowledge Yeshua as Lord and Savior, and who follow His Word are always blessed by Messiah.

"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock." ( Matt.7:24 )

"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,..." ( James 1:22 )

It was God who revealed this truth, and not by Peter's own reasoning.

The Christian religion is a revealed religion through God and His Word by His Spirit. True Christian FAITH is not by mans of wit, reason, or philosophy, but by the light of inspiration that comes from God. The Christian gives God the glory, and not any man.

"For ye are brought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." ( 1 Cor. 6:20 )

Then in verse 18 Jesus calls him Peter signifying a stone, for the second time. The first time was in John 1:42, where Jesus called him Cephas, meaning stone.
"Thou are Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone."

The truth is that Peter had no special authority or special place within the church, given him in Matt. 16:18. He is but a stone among others who are part of the church.

"Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." (Eph 2:19-22)

The rock in which the church is to be built is Yeshua Himself. Yeshua says He will build the church, not Peter. Yeshua is the cornerstone that which no man can lay.

"For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Yeshua Messiah." ( 1 Cor. 3:11 )

"Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded." 1 Pet 2:6

Peter wrote 1 Pet. 2:6. Peter realized that he is not what the church is to be built upon. Peter clearly tells us Messiah is the foundation. Peter was infallible when he wrote 1 Pet. 2:16, but he was not the pope.

Matthew 16:18 is a scripture upon which many Roman Catholic false teachings are based. The Roman Catholic misunderstanding of -
"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - even forms the great international crime of "Biblicism" today. Matt 16:18 has been misunderstood by Catholics since the founding of Catholicism. One of the greatest false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church is Believing that Peter is to be the rock and not Jesus.

Peter is not the rock of salvation, nor is the Catholic church.

2 Sam 22:47 The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation.

The rock of your salvation better not be a stone. The rock of your salvation better not be the church, even the big Catholic church. The rock of your salvation better not be the sacraments. The rock of your salvation better not be the pope. The rock of your salvation better not be Peter, Cephas, a stone John 1:42. THE ONLY ROCK OF SALVATION IS YESHUA MESSIAH, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Jesus then promises that even the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church. We know that the church has enemies that will fight against it especially in these last days of great tribulation. Lucifer's kingdom forms the powers and policies to persecute the true Church of Yeshua Messiah.

What is Satan doing in the Vatican today?


PAL Oligarchy - Most Deadly Conspiracy

Dear Friends –


You know Anti-Semitism is exploding world wide, and that is an important
sign of the times. Jewish World Domination Anti-Semitic Conspiracies are
PROVEN to be WRONG by BOTH the Scriptures and History. We will try
to briefly address the History proof of this issue. Failure to love the land
and people of Israel, in this time, is far more serious than those ensnared
by the Jew hate Luciferian trap could possibly know.


Allow me to say at the outset that I love Catholics. I was born into that religion,
and thank God every day that I have been born again and set free of such
strong delusion and bondage. There is only one way for the Roman Catholic
or anyone else to be set free from any form of bondage - John 8:32&36 - And
ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. If the Son therefore
shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


Please understand that when I speak of the Jesuits, I refer to the small group
in control of that society. I am referring to the FULL BLOOD OATH PROFESSED
JESUITS OF THE FOURTH VOW. The very vast majority of the Jesuits have no
idea that the Jesuits have always been LUCIFERIAN controlled, any more than
even one in one thousand Roman Catholics know that Lucifer was officially
enthroned as the god of the Roman Catholic Church in June of 1963. You can
read that proof from main stream sources at 
Probably fewer than one in 100,000 Roman Catholics know that Lucifer was
openly praised in the pope's 2012 Easter liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica.


The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were written by the Jesuits so
that the blame for what they have done, are doing, and will yet do, would be
blamed on the Jews. That the Jews are NOT the authors of the Protocols is
self-evident. It is self-evident that the plan disclosed in the Protocols is real,
and is obviously happening. But, it is more evident the Jews did NOT write
the Protocols. The obvious authors of the Protocols are the Jesuits, who are
the primary executors of the plan.


Many over the last three hundred years have given figures concerning the total
number of people killed directly or indirectly by the Papacy during the dark ages
until the so-called Holy Roman Empire was ended by World War One.


The numbers given include 50 million, 68 million, 100 million, 120 million, and
150 million. Events in Nazi Germany show how easily persecution can revive,
so it is necessary to be on guard against it and maintain an awareness of its
history. Of course, many other groups besides the Papacy have persecuted
the Jews. The main other persecuting group is Islam. It would not be at all
unreasonable to ADD TO THESE FIGURES of deaths traced directly to the
Papacy, all of the Muslim Jihad killing of Jews and Real Christians. That is very
reasonable since Vatican Roma actually put Mohammad in the religion business
to KILL PEOPLE OF THE BOOK. If you have heard little or nothing of Vatican
Roma's formation and CONTROL OF ISLAM TO THIS DAY read this -


Here is paragraph #841 from the Roman Catholic Catechism - 841 The Church's
relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who
acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims;
these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the
one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day." From Latest Catechism -
Includes the corrections by Pope John Paul II on 8 September 1997


The numbers that follow include ONLY the Number Killed DIRECTLY traced to
the Papacy, and not indirectly by Muslims, in the Middle Ages, and Later. Allow
me to put this whole issue in perspective by freely quoting from the work of David
A. Palisted in the work he published in 2006.


To ANY and ALL Jew Haters and Jew blame shifters, I tell you directly that you
are in a very strong delusion, which may cause the loss of your soul. Your delusion
of Jew hate and blame shifting is a work of INIQUITY. The Lord said, Many will
say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy
name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And
then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work
INIQUITY. (Matt 7:22-23) Jew hate and blame shifting is strong proof of a need to
be born again. How could anyone look at the available facts and think the Jews,
DESTRUCTION, rather than the Jesuits who did the deeds, and who alone have
the where-with-all to engineer and control all this bloody history???? However, it is j
ust so much more easy to blame the Jews rather than search out the truth, or God
Forbid, take any personal responsibility for our willing ignorance in deceiving and
being deceived.


In terms of religious persecution, and the number killed in the name of religion,
it has ruled for such a long period of time over such a large area, exercised so
much power, and claimed divine prerogatives for its persecutions. The Jesuits,
without question, are the AUTHORS of the Papal Antichrist Luciferian, (PAL)
oligarchy PLAN disclosed in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.


The great whore of Vatican Roma is so clearly revealed in the book of The
Revelation in the KJV Holy Bible that the Jesuits, who are primarily behind all
of the now 200 version perversions of Bibles in English, want to ELIMINATE
the book of Revelation from any Bible that will be allowed under the PAL
Oligarchy United Nations of this New World Order. It is sadly understandable
how this Luciferian organization wants to do much more than just deny the
blessing of Rev 1:3 - Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words
of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time


Come hither; I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth
upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication,
and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her
fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having
seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet
colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden
cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon
her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE
woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of
Jesus: (Rev 17:1-6) Read Revelation chapters 17-19, prayerfully and ask the Lord
to show you the great whore of religious infidelity, that makes up the RELIGIOUS
component of MYSTERY BABYLON which has unfolded before us and is now
right in our face. BABYLON means CONFUSION. Understand there is also
Political Babylon and Economic Babylon. I think you will conclude Vatican Roma's
JESUITS have the central nervous system role in the Religious Babylon, Political
Babylon, and even Economic Babylon.


The role of Jews in the plan disclosed in the Protocols could NOT make a pimple
on the role of the Jesuits. The Jesuits are simply smart enough to hire the
Rothchilds to handle Vatican Roma's treasuries. (Their first action when allowed
to be reestablished, after a previous pope paid with his life when he disbanded
and outlawed them.) The Jesuits have other Luciferians with Jewish names that
are high profile working with them and being manipulated by them.


It needs to be said again that I am speaking of FULL BLOOD OATH PROFESSED
JESUITS OF THE FOURTH VOW. The very vast majority of the Jesuits have no
idea that the Jesuits have always been LUCIFERIAN controlled, any more than even
one tenth of one percent of Roman Catholics know that Lucifer was officially
enthroned as the god of the Roman Catholic Church in June of 1963. Probably less
than 1/10,000th of one percent of Roman Catholics know that Lucifer was openly
praised (in Latin) in the pope's 2012 Easter liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica – with these
words – “Flaming Lucifer finds Mankind, I say: O Lucifer who will never be defeated,
Christ is your son who came back from hell, shed his peaceful light and is alive and
reigns in the world within.” HARD TO BELIEVE – see and hear it for yourself at
this link –

Or This link –

Flammas eius Lúcifer matutínus invéniat:

ille, inquam, Lúcifer, qui nescit occásum.

Christus Fílius tuus,

qui, regréssus ab ínferis, humáno géneri serénus illúxit,

et vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.


Pray that Roman Catholics and those involved in so many other Luciferian controlled
church organizations would HEAR Rev 18:4 - And I heard another voice from heaven,
saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye
receive not of her plagues.


The magnitude of the Papacy persecutions is important. One might excuse a few
thousand cases as exceptional, but millions and millions of victims can only be the
result of a systematic policy. This is the most conclusive PROOF to show the harmful
results of Church-State unions in which the Jesuits are in a class by themselves.


The only way to clearly see through the masterful Vatican Roma Luciferian smoke
screen requires one to recall many unpleasant events. The dreadful totals,
computations, and examples that follow, one after another, are not for the faint


"From the birth of Popery in 606 to the present time, it is estimated by careful and
credible historians, that more than fifty millions of the human family, have been
slaughtered for the crime of heresy by popish persecutors, an average of more
than forty thousand religious murders for every year of the existence of Popery."
This is the number cited by John Dowling, who published the classic "History of
Romanism" in 1847 (book VIII, chapter 1, footnote 1). Only seven years after its
first printing, it could be said of Dowling’s book, "it has already obtained a circulation
much more extensive than any other large volume ever published in America, upon
the subject of which it treats; or perhaps in England, with the exception of Fox’s
Book of Martyrs."


Clark’s Martyrology counts the number of Waldensian Martyrs during the first
half of the 13th century in France alone at two million. From A.D. 1160-1560 the
Waldensians which dwelt in the Italian Alps were visited with 36 different fierce
persecutions that spared neither age nor sex according to Thomas Armitage in
the book he published on the Waldensians, in 1890. They were almost completely
destroyed as a people and most of their literary record was erased from the face
of the earth. From the year 1540 to 1570 "it is proved by national authentic
testimony, that nearly one million of Protestants were publicly put to death in
various countries in Europe, besides all those who were privately destroyed,
and of whom no human record exists"


Catholic historian Vergerius admits gleefully that during the Pontificate of Pope
Paul IV (1555-1559) "the Inquisition alone, by tortures, starvation, or the fire,
murdered more than 150,000 Protestants." These are only small samples of the
brutality, which was poured out upon "dissident" Christians by the Roman
Catholic Church during the Inquisition. .


According to George Bourne in a book published in 1846, The American Textbook
of Popery, the Spanish monarch and his confederates acknowledged that they
must have lost 400,000 men, in that tremendous conflict, and immediately after
it, but the Papists boasted, that including the women and children, they had
massacred more than two millions of the human family, in that solitary crusade
against the southwest part of France.


According to Cushing Hassell's History of the Church of God, The Catholic crusade
against the Albigenses in Southern France (from 1209-1229), under Popes
Innocent III., Honorius III. and Gregory IX., was one of the bloodiest tragedies in
human history. The number of Albigenses that perished in the Twenty Years’
War is estimated at from well over a million perhaps as many as two millions.


According to The Glorious Reformation by S. S. SCHMUCKER, D. D., published
in 1838, the Thirty Years’ War in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the
Jesuits, was done to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship,
secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg. He also speaks of the horror of the Irish
rebellion and of the inhuman butchery of about fifteen million  Indians in South
America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists. In summary he said that it is
calculated by authentic historians, that papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight
million of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious
dominion. Estimates range up to 7 to 12 million for the number who died in the
Thirty Years’ War. Others say it was much higher. Cushing Hassell said, the
Thirty Years’ War in Germany, fomented by the Jesuits, reducing the people to
cannibalism, and the population of Bohemia from 4,000,000 to 780,000, and of
Germany from 20,000,000 to 7,000,000, and making Southern Germany almost
a desert.


In John Temple's True Impartial History of the Irish Rebellion of 1641, written in
1644, he puts the number of victims at 300,000. Hassell says that in ADDITION
to the Jesuit or Catholic atrocities already enumerated there were also destroyed
400,000 Protestants in Ireland, in 1641, by outright murder. In fact, the population
of Ireland is estimated to have decreased from 2 million in 1640 to 1.7 million in
1672, according to R.F. Foster in a book he wrote in 1988.


Foxe’s Book of Martyrs is by far the greatest classic in the history on this subject.
It is a very difficult read. It is written in 16th Century English. Making it more difficult
than that is how graphic that it is. I have found a Public Domain Audio Book of Foxe’s
Book of Martyrs. Let me know if you have interest in hearing this audio book which has
14 chapters and takes about 13 hours. Some important chapters are as short is 15
minutes and some are 3 hours. It is difficult because parts are so graphic. I will at
least put up the introduction and some of the important short chapters like 7 on John
Wycliff, 9 on Martin Luther, 12 on William Tyndale, and 13 on John Calvin. It is good
preparation for Great Tribulation which we now see ready to literally explode.


Here are those links for Foxe’s Book of Martyrs Audio Book:


Chapter 1 Persecutions Began by Nero

Chapter 7 on John Wycliff

Chapter 9 on Martin Luther

Chapter 12 on William Tyndale

Chapter 13 on John Calvin


And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an
evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray Psalm 83 every day. Only be
very strong and of good courage. Stay IN the Word.

From Chittim, Isa 23:1,

Shalom & Simcha,
Jim Searcy

Please bookmark BOTH new GJiGT web sites with the most recent updates:

Location of the links to the 10 most recently added audio files on the
GJiGT-Radio library:


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No Tax Deductions. (Matt 6:1-4)
If the Lord leads you to partake of our grace, You may snail mail
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A Study in Absolute Catholic Power

Arthur Maricle, Ph.D.

"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration." {Revelation 17:6}

Those who classify themselves as Christians can be divided into 2 broad groups: those who have chosen to allow the Bible to be their final authority and those who have chosen to allow men to be their final authority. For sake of simplicity, I shall refer to the first group as "Bible believing Christians." The latter group has always been best represented by Roman Catholicism, by far its largest, most powerful, and most influential component. The Roman Catholic hierarchy has always boldly stated that it is not dependent upon Scripture alone, but also accepts tradition as another pillar of truth -- and where a conflict exists, tradition receives the greater acceptance. Being its own arbiter of what is to be accepted as truth, it accepts no authority as being higher than itself. This explains why the Catholic belief system has been constantly evolving over the centuries.

This also explains why a fierce antagonism has always existed between Bible believing Christianity and Roman Catholicism. Rome's frequent spiritual innovations excites the passions of Bible believers, who react adversely to religious modifications that are at odds with the eternal, changeless Word of God. Harboring a supreme confidence in the Book, a trust which reflects their trust in the Holy Spirit who authored the Scriptures, the Bible believers boldly challenge the suppositions of the Catholic hierarchy. In the course of this spiritual warfare, Catholic people are frequently converted from trust in Rome's complex religious system to a childlike faith in the Saviour and a simple reliance on His Word. Many such converts ultimately leave the Church of Rome to join local, New Testament churches. Frequently in history, the trickle of individuals who were making this remarkable transformation turned into a flood. Such ruptures cannot go unchecked by the Catholic hierarchy. As with any bureaucracy, its primary interest is its own protection and propagation.

The nature of its response to the inroads made by spiritual challengers is dictated by its cultural surroundings. The more Catholic the culture, the more severe the response. In past centuries, when Rome's ecclesiastical power was virtually absolute throughout Europe, the intensity of the attacks by the papists upon their spiritual enemies could be equally absolute. Ignoring the injunction of II Corinthians 10:4 ("For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal..."), Catholicism built its own philosophical system to justify the use of carnal (fleshly, human, physical) means to achieve spiritual ends.

Having divorced herself from Biblical absolutes, Catholicism adopted a theology in which she sees herself as the church founded upon the Apostle Peter by Jesus Christ, and alone empowered to bring salvation to the world. Further, she believes herself assigned the daunting task of bringing Christ's kingdom to fruition on earth. With those dogmas forming her philosophical foundation, she seeks her power in the political sphere as well as the religious realm. To whatever degree she achieves political power, to that degree she feels compelled to use her secular influence as a weapon against her spiritual adversaries. Thus, down through the centuries, we see that in those countries in which Catholicism had achieved absolute power, the pope's followers have not hesitated to brutally subdue the enemies of "the Church". Although Jews, Moslems, pagans, and others have felt the wrath of Rome, her special fury has always been reserved for her bitterest and most effective challengers -- Bible believing Christians. Only as the political climate changed in recent centuries did the Catholic hierarchy see it expedient to change tactics and appear to be more tolerant. Yet, to this day we see persecution continuing in those places on the globe dominated by Catholicism. The degree of the persecution is determined by the degree of control.

To what lengths is the Catholic hierarchy prepared to go in its drive to repress opposition and achieve its goal of instituting the kingdom of Christ on earth? To find the answer, one must look to the pages of history.

When the Roman Catholic Church was founded by the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., it immediately achieved expansive influence at all levels of the imperial government. As Bible believing Christians separated themselves from the Church of Rome, which they saw as apostate, they represented a formidable potential threat to the official new imperial religion. Persecution in varying degrees of severity was instituted over the centuries following.

By the 11th century, in their zeal to establish Christ's kingdom, the Roman popes ("pope" is an ecclesiastical office that is the very antithesis of the New Testament ideal of a local church pastor) began utilizing a new tool -- the Crusades. At first, the Crusades had as their object the conquering of Jerusalem and the "Holy Land". Along the crusaders' paths, thousands of innocent civilians (especially Jews) were raped, robbed, and slaughtered. In time, however, the crusade concept was altered to crush spiritual opposition within Europe itself. In other words, armies were raised with the intent of massacring whole communities of Bible believing Christians. One such group of Bible believing Christians were known as the Albigenses.

[Pope] Innocent III believed that Bible believing dissidents were worse than infidels (Saracens, Moslems, and Turks), for they threatened the unity of ... Europe. So Innocent III sponsored 4 "crusades" to exterminate the Albigenses. Innocent (what a name!) called upon Louis VII to do his killing for him, and he also enjoined Raymond VI to assist him.

The Cistercian order of Catholic monks were then commissioned to preach all over France, Flanders, and Germany for the purpose of raising an army sufficient to kill the Bible believers. All who volunteered to take part in these mass murders were promised that they would receive the same reward as those who had sallied forth against the Moslems (i.e., forgiveness of sins and eternal life).

The Albigenses were referred to in Pope Innocent's Sunday morning messages as "servants of the old serpent". Innocent promised the killers a heavenly kingdom if they took up their swords against unarmed populaces.

In July of 1209 A.D. an army of orthodox Catholics attacked Beziers and murdered 60,000 unarmed civilians, killing men, women, and children. The whole city was sacked, and when someone complained that Catholics were being killed as well as "heretics", the papal legates told them to go on killing and not to worry about it for "the Lord knows His own."

At Minerve, 14,000 Christians were put to death in the flames, and ears, noses, and lips of the "heretics" were cut off by the "faithful."A

This is but one example from the long and sordid history of Catholic atrocities committed against their bitter enemies, the Bible believing Christians. Much worse treatment of Bible believers was forthcoming during that stage of bloody Catholic history known as the Inquisition.

It is vital, though, that we here define what is meant by the term "heretic". According to Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary, this is a heretic: "One who holds or advocates controversial opinions, esp. one who publicly opposes the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic, Church." Or, as one author has put it, "Heresy, to a Catholic, is anti-Catholic truth found in the Bible."B Another summarized the official stance as this: "Every citizen in the empire was required to be a Roman Catholic. Failure to give wholehearted allegiance to the pope was considered treason against the state punishable by death."C

From 1200 to 1500 the long series of Papal ordinances on the Inquisition, ever increasing in severity and cruelty, and their whole policy towards heresy, runs on without a break. It is a rigidly consistent system of legislation: every Pope confirms and improves upon the devices of his predecessor. All is directed to the one end, of completely uprooting every difference of belief... The Inquisition ... contradicted the simplest principles of Christian justice and love to our neighbor, and would have been rejected with universal horror in the ancient Church.D

Pope Alexander IV established the Office of the Inquisition within Italy in 1254. The first inquisitor was Dominic, a Spaniard who was the founder of the Dominican order of monks.

The Inquisition was purely and uniquely a Catholic institution; it was founded far the express purpose of exterminating every human being in Europe who differed from Roman Catholic beliefs and practices. It spread out from France, Milan, Geneva, Aragon, and Sardinia to Poland (14th century) and then to Bohemia and Rome (1543). It was not abolished in Spain until 1820.E

The Inquisition was a terrifying fact of life to those who lived in areas where it was in force. That domain would eventually include not only much of Europe, but also the far-flung colonies of Europe's Catholic powers.

The Inquisition, led by the Dominicans and the Jesuits, was usually early on the scene following each territorial acquisition of the Spanish and Portuguese empires in the 16th and 17th centuries. The methods used, which all too often were similar to those used by Serra in California or the Nazi-backed Ustashis in Croatia, sowed the seeds of reaction and aversion that have proved to be a barrier for true missionaries ever since.

Albert Close writes of the Jesuit mission to Indonesia in 1559 that "conversion was wonderfully shortened by the cooperation of the colonial governors whose militia offered' the natives the choice of the musket ball or of baptism."

Everywhere it existed, the "Holy Office" of the Inquisition spread its tentacles of fear.

When an inquisitor arrived in an area he called for reports of anyone suspected of heresy, sometimes offering rewards to spies who would report suspected heretics. Those suspected were imprisoned to await trials. The trials were held in secret and the inquisitor acted as judge, prosecutor, and jury. The accused had no lawyer. It was often simpler to confess to heresy than to defend oneself, especially since torture was often employed until the accused was ready to confess.

Because church and state had not been kept separate, the church powers could call upon the government to use its power against the convicted heretics. Anyone who fell back into heresy after repentance was turned over by the Inquisition to the regular government to be put to death. Most of those condemned to death were burned at the stake, but some were beaten to death or drowned.

The Inquisition was called the sanctum officium (Holy Office) because the church considered its work so praiseworthy.F

Even after the death of a victim, his punishment was not ended. The property of condemned heretics was confiscated, leaving his family in poverty.

It is important here to emphasize Rome's role in the brutality of the Inquisition. Roman Catholic apologists are quick to point out that it was the state that put heretics to death. This is an alibi meant to excuse the Vatican's role in the atrocities. However, Dollinger, the leading 19th century Catholic historian, stated: "The binding force of the laws against heretics lay not in the authority of secular princes, but in the sovereign dominion of life and death over all Christians claimed by the Popes as God's representatives on earth, as [Pope] Innocent III expressly states it."G

In other words, the secular arm of the state acted only as it was pressured to do so by the popes. Even kings who hesitated to commit genocide on their own populaces were spurred into action by their fear of papal excommunication or subversive Catholic activities within their kingdoms.

Dollinger continues: "It was the Popes who compelled bishops and priests to condemn the heterodox to torture, confiscation of their goods, imprisonment, and death, and to enforce the execution of this sentence on the civil authorities, under pain of excommunication,"H

Will Durant informs us that in 1521 Leo X issued the bull Honestis which "ordered the excommunication of any officials, and the suspension of religious services in any community, that refused to execute, without examination or revision, the sentences of the inquisitors." Consider Clement V's rebuke of King Edward II: "We hear that you forbid torture as contrary to the laws of your land. But no state law can override canon law, our law. Therefore I command you at once to submit those men to torture.I

The methods used by the Inquisition ranged from the barbaric to the bizarre.

When the inquisitors swept into a town an "Edict of Faith" was issued requiring everyone to reveal any heresy of which they had knowledge. Those who concealed a heretic came under the curse of the Church and the inquisitors' wrath. Informants would approach the inquisitors' lodgings under cover of night and were rewarded for information. No one arrested was ever acquitted.

Torture was considered to be essential because the church felt duty-bound to identify from the lips of the victims themselves any deviance from sound doctrine. Presumably, the more excruciating the torture, the more likely that the truth could be wrung from reluctant lips. The inquisitors were determined that it was "better for a hundred innocent people to die than for one heretic to go free".

"Heretics" were committed to the flames because the popes believed the Bible forbade Christians to shed blood. The victims of the Inquisition exceeded by hundreds of thousands the number of Christians and Jews who had suffered under pagan Roman emperors.J

This wanton slaughter of innocent people was justified by Catholic theologians such as "Saint". Thomas Aquinas, who said, "If forgers and other malefactors are put to death by the secular power, there is much more reason for putting to death one convicted of heresy." In 1815, Comte Le Maistre defended the Inquisition by advocating: "The Inquisition is, in its very nature, good, mild, and preservative. It is the universal, indelible character of every ecclesiastical institution; you see it in Rome, and you can see it wherever the true Church has power."K Such a viewpoint could only be expressed by one so brainwashed as to think that the cruel, torturous deaths of dissidents to Catholicism is preferable to the survival and propagation of those who would challenge the Vatican's authority.

Yet, not all Romanists have been comfortable with the totalitarian nature of their "church". Even Jean Antoine Llorente, secretary to the Spanish Inquisition from 1790-92, was to admit: "The horrid conduct of this Holy Office weakened the power and diminished the population of Spain by arresting the progress of arts, sciences, industry, and commerce, and by compelling multitudes of families to abandon the kingdom; by instigating the expulsion of the Jews and the Moors, and by immolating on its flaming shambles more than 300,000 victims."L Historian Will Durant stated, "Compared with the persecution of heresy in Europe from 1227 to 1492, the persecution of Christians by Romans in the first 3 centuries after Christ was a mild and humane procedure. Making every allowance required by an historian and permitted to a Christian, we must rank the Inquisition, along with the wars and persecutions of our time, as among the darkest blots on the record of mankind, revealing a ferocity unknown in any beast."M

Catholic apologists attempt to downplay the significance of the Inquisition, saying that relatively few people were ever directly affected. While controversy rages around the number of victims that can be claimed by the Inquisition, conservative estimates easily place the count in the millions. This does not include the equally vast numbers of human beings slaughtered in the various wars and other conflicts instigated over the centuries by Vatican political intrigues. Nor does it take it account the Holocaust wrought upon the Jews by the Nazis, led by Roman Catholics who used their own religious history to justify their modern excesses. As one secular history explains, "As the Germans instituted a bureaucracy of organized murder, so too did Torquemada, the first Grand Inquisitor, a worthy of predecessor of Heydrich and Eichmann."N

Because her basic doctrinal premises remain in place, Rome can yet again rise up against her spiritual enemies at some future date when she again wields exclusive ecclesiastical control of a region. In fact, the "Holy Office" of the Inquisition still exists within the Vatican (known today as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), awaiting the day in which it can stamp out "heresy". As recently as 1938, a popular Catholic weekly declared:

Heresy is an awful crime against God, and those who start a heresy are more guilty than they who are traitors to the civil government. If the state has a right to punish treason with death, the principle is the same that concedes to the spiritual authority the power of life and death over the archtraitor.O

The Inquisition proved how Catholicism will react when it has possession of absolute power. Is it any wonder that in the 1880s, Dr. H. Grattan Guinness preached the following:

I see the great Apostasy, I see the desolation of Christendom, I see the smoking ruins, I see the reign of monsters; I see those vice-gods, that Gregory VII, that Innocent III, that Boniface Vlll, that Alexander Vl, that Gregory XIII, that Pius IX; I see their long succession, I hear their insufferable blasphemies, I see their abominable lives; I see them worshipped by blinded generations, bestowing hollow benedictions, bartering away worthless promises of heaven; I see their liveried slaves, their shaven priests, their celibate confessors; I see the infamous confessional, the ruined women, the murdered innocents; I hear the lying absolutions, the dying groans; I hear the cries of the victims; I hear the anathemas, the curses, the thunders of the interdicts; I see the racks, the dungeons, the stakes; I see that inhuman Inquisition, those fires of Smithfield, those butcheries of St. Bartholomew, that Spanish Armada, those unspeakable dragonnades, that endless train of wars, that dreadful multitude of massacres. I see it all, and in the name of the ruin it has brought in the Church and in the world, in the name of the truth it has denied, the temple it has defiled, the God it has blasphemed, the souls it has destroyed; in the name of the millions it has deluded, the millions it has slaughtered, the millions it has damned; with holy confessors, with noble reformers, with innumerable martyrs, with the saints of ages, I denounce it as the masterpiece of Satan, as the body and soul and essence of antichrist."P


The challenge I give to Bible believing Christians is to respect the heritage we have been given by those who suffered for Biblical truth, that we may be prepared to suffer ourselves. Ours is the generation that may yet again be afflicted for the faith once delivered to the saints. If such is to be our privilege, let us face our trials with this promise of our Lord fresh upon our hearts: "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." {Matthew 5:10}

The challenge I give to Roman Catholics is to take up the New Testament of the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit of God to speak to your hearts. If a Catholic remains skeptical about this brief treatise on the Inquisition, he is certainly welcome to examine for himself the record of history. If he remains unmoved by my conclusions, he is welcome to draw his own. But of far greater import is his need to examine the teachings of his church in the light of God's Word. Jesus leaves you with this warning: "He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." {John 12:48} You to whom the Bible was so accessible will not be able to plead ignorance in that terrible day of judgment.



A Peter S. Ruckman, Ph.D.; The History of the New Testament Church (Bible Believers Bookstore; Pensacola, Florida; 1989)
B Ibid.
C Dave Hunt; A Woman Rides the Beast (Harvest House Publishers; Eugene, Oregon; 1994)
D J.H. Ignaz von Dollinger; The Pope and the Council (London, 1869); as cited in Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast
E Peter S. Ruckman, Ph.D.; op cit.
F Laura l-licks, editor; The Modern Age: The History of the World in Christian Perspective, Vol. 11 (A Beka Books Publications; Pensacola, Florida; 1981)
G J.H. Ignaz von Dollinger; op cit.
H Ibid.
I Dave Hunt; op cit.; quotations from Will Durant; The Story of Civilization, Vol. V (Simon and Schuster, 1950); and ibid., Vol. 4
J Dave Hunt; op cit.
K Comte Le Maistre, letters on the Spanish Inquisition, as cited in R.W. Thompson, The Papacy and the Civil Power (New York, 1876); as cited in Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast
L Jean Antoine Llorentine, History of the Inquistion; as cited in R.W. Thompson, The Papacy and the Civil Power (New York, 1876); as cited in Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast
M Will Durant; The Story of Civilization, Vol. IV (Simon and Schuster, 1950); as cited in Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast
N Ward Rutherford; Genocide: The Jews in Europe 1939-45 (Ballantyne Books, Inc.; New York, New York; 1973)
O The Tablet, November 5, 1938; as cited in Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast
P H. Grattan Guinness, D.D., Romanism and the Reformation; Focus Christian Ministries; Lewes, Sussex; as cited in Michael de Semlyen, All Roads Lead to Rome?



Dark Dealings in the Vatican?
WILLIAM F. JASPER, The New American, March 3, 1997.

Although it passed completely without notice in the U.S. press; a bombshell that was dropped in Rome last November continues to send shockwaves that are being felt in political, and religious circles worldwide. The explosive charge was released by Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo in an address to the Fatima 2000 International Congress on World Peace held in Rome November 18th-23rd. Addressing an international audience of bishops, priests, nuns, and laity, the archbishop charged that there are members of the Catholic Church hierarchy in Rome who are secretly involved in formal satanic worship.
Commenting on the growth of evil in the world and the need for the Church to appoint more exorcists to aid the many people who are possessed, obsessed, or disturbed by demonic activity, the archbishop stated:
Now, the third dimension [of evil] is the most dangerous. It is subtle and the most terrible.... I could not believe when I discovered this third dimension of evil. The third dimension is people who follow instructions in satanic sects....
Now with this third dimension, I'm sorry to say, our Church belongs to it. I'm very sorry, I could not understand myself, and even now I don't understand. But the only consolation I have is that, well, Judas Iscariot was one. Together with Jesus three years, he never changed, then I understand that the third dimension of evil existed not only now, but it existed even then. Because nothing could change the heart of Judas Iscariot nothing.

Occultic Clergy
The Most Reverend Emmanuel Milingo, formerly the Archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia, now works in the Vatican as the Special Delegate to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Immigrants and Itinerants. The archbishop, who is an official Church exorcist, is the author of Face to Face With the Devil and other books, and travels throughout the world preaching and healing. The outspoken cleric accused fellow Roman Catholic clergymen of protecting Satan and his minions:
"The devil in the Catholic Church is so protected now that he is like an animal protected by the government; put on a game preserve that outlaws anyone, especially hunters, from trying to capture or kill it. The devil within the Church today is actually protected by certain Church authorities from the official devil-hunter in the Church the exorcist. So much so that the exorcist today is forbidden to attack the devil. The devil is so protected that the one who is the hunter, the exorcist, is forbidden to do his job." Understandably, shocking statements such as these from a Vatican "insider," a Prince of the Church, caused a commotion in the Italian press. Il Messaggero, the largest Rome daily, gave front-page headlines to the archbishop's accusations, as did many other major secular newspapers. Three days later the Zambian prelate held a press conference to clarify his remarks, causing a second wave of sensational media coverage. To the question, "Are there men of the curia who are followers of Satan?" Milingo responded, "Certainly there are priests and bishops. I stop at this level of ecclesiastical hierarchy because I am an archbishop, higher than this I cannot go." Il Tempo and other major dailies reported that Archbishop Milingo cited papal statements to back up his charges. "Paul VI said that the smoke of Satan had entered into the Vatican," the archbishop is quoted as saying, "but I have not heard that anyone has seen him leave. We must pray so that he will go away." The archbishop was referring to a 1972 statement by Pope Paul VI on the damage to the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council. Surveying that wreckage, the Pontiff stated: "From somewhere or other, the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God."
Censorship and Suppression
Amazingly, nary a word of Archbishop Milingo's astonishing allegations made it into the American press. The U.S. media, ever attentive to the demands and fulminations of feminist nuns, apostate priests, prattling perverts, and heretical theologians, took a walk on this stunning story. It was not until mid-January, when copies of the Winter 1997 issue of The Fatima Crusader, a Catholic magazine, began arriving in mail boxes that the establishment media blackout was broken.
Published by the Servants of Jesus and Mary in Constable, New York, The Fatima Crusader is associated with the National Committee for the National Pilgrim Virgin of Canada, which sponsored the Fatima 2000 Congress in Rome. "Without a doubt, the single most electrifying moment of the Congress was Archbishop Milingo's startling assertion that satanism is being
practiced within the very walls of the Vatican," stated Father Nicholas Gruner, founder and publisher of The Fatima Crusader, in a letter accompanying the magazine. The Fatima Crusader added more fuel to the fire ignited by the archbishop with a statement from another Vatican "insider," Father Malachi Martin, a famous church historian and best-selling author. When questioned about Archbishop Milingo's statement, Father Martin replied:
"Archbishop Milingo is a good bishop and his contention that there are satanists in Rome is completely correct. Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome." This confirmation from Father Martin is significant. As an exorcist, a former counselor and aide to Cardinal Augustin Bea, and a Vatican scholar of considerable renown, Father Martin is well qualified to comment on this subject. In Windswept House, his riveting novel published last year, Martin starkly portrays our world in the death grip of a monstrous, satanic cabal fast approaching the consummation of its insidious scheme for global dominion. In the opening pages of that book, Martin describes in frightful detail a demonic ceremony called "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer," which allegedly was carried out secretly by a coven of Satanists including high-level Catholic clergymen on June 29, 1963 in the Chapel of St. Paul in Rome. According to the novel's account, the ritual conducted at the sacred site in the Vatican was a subdued ceremony disguised as a Catholic service, but through telephonic transmission was connected to and synchronized with a hideous, full-blown satanic service conducted in the United States. Martin had first made passing reference to the diabolical rite in his non-fiction 1990 best-seller, The Keys of This Blood. However, since publication of Windswept House, he has stated that the event has been documented. Contacted by THE NEW AMERICAN at his residence in New York, Dr. Martin confirmed that the "Enthronement of the Prince" did indeed occur as described in his novel. "Oh, yes, it is true; very much so," he said. "But the only way I could put that down into print is in novelistic form." "Are more members of the clergy becoming aware of this diabolical penetration?" we asked. "Yes," he replied, "they are beginning to scratch their heads and say that does explain things" such as the massive apostasy and dramatic decline in Catholic religious practice since the time of the "Enthronement" and the Second Vatican Council. And Archbishop Milingo? "He's merely like that actor in the movie Network, who got fed up and said 'I'm not going to take it anymore,"' said Dr. Martin. But clerics like the archbishop, he noted, end up "like those in the political realm who deviate from the Clinton point of view: you are marginalized, you're 'funny,' you're a madman, you are not 'mainstream."' Indeed, the outspoken archbishop appears to have been marginalized into near non-existence by the U.S. media. A Lexis/Nexis data search found not a single mention of his Fatima Congress statements, although several articles critical of him earlier in 1996 turned up. THE NEW AMERICAN called the Associated Press in New York.
After checking its database, a researcher at AP's international news desk informed us, "Oh, he's got a big old mouth" and is always spouting "a lot of insanity." The researcher could not be very specific, but she seemed to consider the archbishop's belief in the existence of Satan and belief in miracles as ironclad proof of his dementia. Still, we asserted, he is a bishop and a recognized exorcist. Does that alone not make his claims worthy of coverage? Well, we would have to call the Vatican AP bureau to find out why it wasn't covered, she informed us. At the AP's Vatican bureau we talked with reporter Dan Wakin, who repeated the generalized detractions and aspersions against the archbishop that we had already heard from his colleague in New York. Nevertheless, we insisted, why the total blackout in the U.S. press when the Italian media apparently thought him credible enough to devote considerable coverage to his charges on more than one occasion? Mr. Wakin had no answer. "We didn't cover it; that's all I can tell you," he replied.
Fiction or Fact?
Malachi Martin asserts that
"there are more and more clerics who are finally saying what is apparent." No doubt, Dr. Martin's Windswept House has contributed greatly to that trend. Father Charles Fiore, in a review of the book in the Catholic Family News, describes it as "a novel in which actual persons and events are disguised as fiction." Windswept House is a gripping account that whirls from Rome to London, New York, Washington, DC, Brussels, Strasbourg, Jerusalem, Moscow, and other centers of worldly power, graphically drawing the organizational tentacles of a conspiracy against God and man which is perilously close to enthroning its malefic new world order. That unholy cabal has targeted for infiltration and destruction not just the Catholic Church, but other religions, institutions, and governments. Father Martin is not surprised that his latest book has not met the critical acclaim of his past writings. He is not surprised that it has been almost totally ignored, even though it is published by a mainstream publisher (Doubleday). The reviewers for the major media, he says, are "steering away from it. They don't know what to think about it; they don't know what to say." But that hasn't stopped Father Martin's message. He has been interviewed on 117 radio stations and continues to speak out. WILLIAM F. JASPER, The New American, March 3, 1997.

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

2 Cor 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
2 Cor 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." This statement does not give superiority or security to any particular church. It does not say that the church will never err or be destroyed. It does, however,tell the true church of Yeshua Messiah, that in the main battle, it shall ultimately be more than a conqueror.

Mat 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Here Yeshua tells us that He will give His true followers the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. The keys are doctrine and discipline. HEARING & DOING!

A disciple of Messiah is a disciplined one. He reads His Word. He HEARS His Word. He DOES His Word. All true disciples have the keys of doctrine and discipline. Their doctrine comes only from the scripture. Their lives are ordered only by the scripture. Their lives show what is acceptable to God and what is not acceptable to God, according to the scriptures.

Do we understanding the binding and loosing that Yeshua mentions here? Binding and loosing, in the common speech of the Jews at that time, deals with what is lawful and unlawful. To declare something was unlawful was to bind. To declare something was lawful was to loose. In all matters of binding and loosing, what is lawful or unlawful, the true disciple's ONLY guide is the written Word of God.

The purpose of the keys of doctrine and discipline, is to help the true disciple with his desire to be acceptable and pleasing to God. A true disciple of Yeshua wants please God rather than men. He knows that he has been redeemed. He wants to please God more than himself, because he has received and understands the love of God. He will be disciplined by the scriptures in word and deed. The Spiritual man will exercise the godly character of good and right judgment.

1 Cor 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

Rom 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The power of the keys makes it possible to discern that which should be in the church. The power of the keys of scriptural doctrine and discipline will reject that which is unrighteous from the church. These keys were not given to any particular church, but given to all who believe and live to make Yeshua BOTH Savior and Lord of their life.

The Bible also says nothing about Peter being in Rome. He ministered to the churches in Asia.
(1 Pet 1:1) "Peter, an apostle of Yeshua Messiah, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia," His mission was to go spread the gospel in the opposite direction, which was in Asia-Minor. The historical and scriptural truth is that Peter never got close to Rome.

Paul also mentions in Gal 2:7-8, that he was appointed to the apostleship of the uncircumcision, (Gentiles),as Peter was the apostle to the circumcision, (Jews). We understand that they were equal in this, and neither was greater than the other.

In Acts 1:15 - 26 Peter did speak out about having someone to replace Judas, but did not have any authority to personally claim anyone as an Apostle. It was a group decision regarding who would replace Judas. Paul became an Apostle without Peter's consent. Paul makes no mention of Peter when he writes to Rome. If Peter was made to be the pontiff, and was in Rome, it would be a grievous error on Paul's part not to give Peter such recognition. If Peter were in Rome when Paul wrote to the church in Rome, we may be sure that Paul would have saluted him. Paul rebuked Peter, in Gal 2:11-14. Not even Paul would rebuke the pope, if Yeshua ever made Peter a pope. The truth is that Yeshua HATES the Nicolaitane spirit of control, hierarchy, clergy and laity. We are taught by Yeshua that greatness in His Kingdom is by being a servant to all. We are to submit to one another in the
Fear of God. The Nicolaitane spirit behind popery, or any church hierarchy, is something that Yeshua HATES! (Rev 2:6&15) Peter never led, chaired, called, or dismissed any council. He did not rule, exercise lordship, or pronounce any decision. He never claimed any of the powers which the Catholic Church claims for the pope.

The term pope is a Greek word meaning "father." Yeshua says -
"And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." (Matt 23:9) Call no man on earth father in the spiritual sense of the word. Why are Catholic priests called Father? It is a direct contradiction of a COMMAND of the Lord Yeshua. Calling the pope, Holy Father, is almost blasphemous if one were to really think what Holy Father means, as Yeshua taught His disciples. God is our spiritual Father, for He is the only one who is able to forgive our sins. Only His Spirit can and will convict us of our sins. We are made new creatures, part of the family of God, by the grace, and the finished work, of our Savior Yeshua the Messiah. The only true Holy Father is the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua. The Holy Father, pope title, is somewhere in the range from disgrace to blasphemy.

Right after Jesus told His disciples that His church is founded upon the belief and truth that He is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, he told them about the suffering and death that He would soon endure. Peter tried to rebuke Jesus, saying that it should not happen. Yeshua replied in saying to Peter,
"Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." ( Mat 6:23 ). If Peter was to be pope, he showed an irresponsible attitude toward Yeshua by trying to rebuke Him. Then Yeshua called Peter, Satan. Peter was just a man. He was not the founder of Yeshua's church. Yeshua is the founder and foundation of His Church. The only foundation is Yeshua. The only way the church could be built is on Yeshua, and not Peter, or any other man, as foundation or head.

Peter wore no crown. He ate with other people, even Gentiles when the Jerusalem Jews were not around. He wore simple clothes and had no one kiss any ring on his hand. He never received any pomp or ceremony. He did not sell any indulgences or special dispensations. He held no special mass. He did not pray for the dead other than the Kaddish. He certainly did not consider himself to be a ruler or owner of this world. Peter was poor as we see in Acts 3:6 -
"Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none;"

Peter would not take money, for what God could give freely.

And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostle's hand the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hand, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this manner: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Acts 8:18-21

Peter did not accept anyone to bow before him in reverence to him.

And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man. Acts 10:25-26

Cornelius wanted to worship Peter. No way would Peter accept pope style worship from Cornelius or anyone else. He rebuked Cornelius for doing it. Totally the opposite of what we see today in the Catholic church regarding homage paid to the pope.

According to the Word of God, the pope has no special authority over the church. Yeshua HATES the Nicolaitane spirit behind popery. No church is made special or has unique authority in dealing with man's spiritual life. The only church with true spiritual power and authority is a church founded on Yeshua Messiah. If a man is the head of a church it can have no real true spiritual power and authority. Yeshua, and ONLY Yeshua, must be the head of any church for that church to have true spiritual power and authority. The Nicolaitane spirit behind popery is something Yeshua HATES. I can think of only two things to say to anyone caught up in a religion in which any man believes his word is better or even equivalent to the Word of God - Come out of her, and from such withdraw thyself.

The true church is made of those who have humbled themselves and receive Yeshua as their Saviour and Lord. Only Yeshua can be the head of any true church with true spiritual power and authority.

1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Messiah Yeshua;

Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

The second beast is the great whore apostate religious system which works with the antichrist political and economic system. The great whore is an apostate religious system. The false prophet will be the head of the largest religious group in the world. He will lead people to worship the antichrist and take the mark of the beast. All who take the mark of the beast in their right hand or forehead will according to Rev 14:11 spend eternity in hell. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.


1 Tim 6:3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
1 Tim 6:4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
1 Tim 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and
destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.


Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

The Roman Catholic Church, and really all of the cults, stands firmly AGAINST the Authority of the Word of God. The Roman Catholic Church is AGAINST Sacred Scripture being the sole criterion of truth. Their view of things is that their Pope, or Pastor Poohbah, or Prophet Soandso, or Rabbi Whatsname, rules the world of religion, their hierarchy having the highest authority, the and NOT what God said. This is typical of all cults such as Joseph Smith's Mormons, Mohammed's Muslims, and Russel's Jehovah's Witnesses. They will write their own holy books and/or stand AGAINST the AUTHORITY of the Word of God. Characteristic of cults is putting authority in their traditions, and their leader, and NOT The Lord Jesus Christ, whose name is called the Word of God.

Roman Catholics are trained to ASK THE BIG QUESTION. The big question is designed to proselytize into their black witchcraft religion, keep people bound in their religion, and justify the blindness of their failures, sins, departures, and opposition to the authority of the Word of God. The big question of the Roman Catholics is designed to put down all those outside of Rome's control, and reinforce Rome's control of those bound in that religion. Their Big Question is very effective because sadly, most simply are NOT READY TO GIVE AN ANSWER TO THE CATHOLIC'S BIG QUESTION. Recently a Roman Catholic asked the big question very succinctly of the GJiGT. Perhaps you may find the GJiGT answer to the Roman Catholic's BIG Question helpful as you would seek to set someone free from such religious bondage. I think you will be edified, strengthened, and encouraged if you thoughtfully and slowly hear how the Holy Spirit will speak to you through this string of scriptures in answer to the Roman Catholic’s big question.

The Roman Catholic Asks -

If the Catholic church hierarchy is not from Christ's church and not the authority left by Christ to teach souls about Christ's warnings and teachings and instruction to salvation especially, the bible meaning and instruction, then who, or what is the teaching authority left by Christ to teach the meaning and instruction of the King James Bible?

If ten thousand people read the bible ten thousand interpretations will result. So again, who is the authority left by Christ to teach the truth given in the bible and explain its meaning for salvation?

GJiGT Reply to the Big Question of Authority -

Dear Friend -

The AUTHORITY is the Holy Sprit of TRUTH. There may be thousands of different interpretations among those Nicodemites, who do not have that Holy Spirit, who have not been born again. The Nicodemites indeed do have widely varied interpretations because they DO NOT have that One Same Spirit of TRUTH, the Sprrit of Messiah, because they have NOT been born again, or need to be born again, AGAIN.

John 3:35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.

John 4:25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John 16:15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you.

John 17:7 Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.

John 17:8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

Acts 3:22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.

Acts 13:39 And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.

Acts 13:40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets;

Acts 13:41 Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.

Acts 24:14 But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:

Rom 11:36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

1 Cor 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

1 Cor 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

1 Cor 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Cor 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

1 Cor 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

God Who IS LOVE commends real love, NOT feigned affection, but real, genuine, love which:

1 Cor 13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

1 Cor 13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Cor 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

2 Cor 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

2 Cor 12:19 Again, think ye that we excuse ourselves unto you? we speak before God in Christ: but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying.

Eph 1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

Eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

Eph 1:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

Eph 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

Eph 3:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

Eph 3:11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:

Eph 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

Eph 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:


1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Eph 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Eph 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

Eph 5:20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Eph 5:21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Phil 3:8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Phil 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

Phil 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Col 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

Col 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

Col 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

2 Tim 2:7 Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.

Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Heb 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

Heb 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Heb 2:10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

Heb 2:11 For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

1 John 2:20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

John 3:4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

John 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

John 3:9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?

John 3:10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?


To those who are born again and hear His voice by His Holy Spirit the interpretation of the KJV Holy Bible is consistent and often will be found to disagree with the thousands of interpretations of the Nicodemites in the history of the black witchcraft religions of Babylonian sun god worship complete with its Queen of Heaven idolatry. For those who are born again and not Nicodemites, who KNOW what Israel means, we say:

1 John 2:20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

I AM GLAD for those who have an UNCTION and sad for those who want to continue as Nicodemites. 

Shalom & Simcha,
Jim Searcy

What is Behind Rome's Virgin?

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